Five whatevers for Anna Smudge!

Posted on July 4th, 2008 in Anna Smudge: Professional Shrink,Book Reviews,Buzzzzzz by MAC



I love that people think outside of the box when rating books they’ve read. Nick Chance (aka the kid reviewer), rates stuff using what looks to be chocolate frosted donuts. Mmm. I live right near Dunkin Donuts, and I love that smell of freshly fried dough when they cook at 6am. I’m hungry just thinking about it. Enchanting reviews rates books using enchantments. And Jazma Online uses stars. All three of these places have given Anna five donuts, five enchantments, five stars, five whatever you want to call them! Check out what they had to say.


The Kid Reviewer gives Anna 5 donuts


Enchanting Reviews gives Anna 5 enchantments


Jazma gives Anna 5 stars




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